Leadership Collective

Join our next meeting and become a member.

Our launch event was a great success and our next event is going to be even better!

We look forward to starting 2025 strong and welcoming you to the next meeting of The NYC Leadership Collective, an environment in which all of us can explore who we must be and how we must act as leaders in our organizations and our personal lives to create a lasting positive impact.

Membership is free.

What We Believe

We are convinced human connection is the cornerstone of the highest form of leadership, so we meet face-to-face to practice creating relationships and elevating each other with curiosity through conversation.

Who Is It For

The Collective is for successful mid-career-to-senior leaders who are looking to grow their leadership capacity by engaging in conversation about their leadership challenges with a group of peers, and maybe even by witnessing or experiencing professional hot-seat coaching.

What Is It For

Our members want to develop their leadership by increasing their self-awareness, allowing them to create powerful relationships everywhere, unleash organizational creativity and innovation, and find greater career fulfillment.

What You Can Expect At a Meeting

  • Sharing leadership challenges from members and co-founders
  • Discussing leadership principles that magnify positive impact
  • Benefiting from optional hot-seat coaching
  • Learning in conversation with other senior leaders
  • Meeting new colleagues in small group conversations
  • Exploring member-suggested topics

Our Co-Founders

The New York Leadership Collective is a community created by two experienced professional coaches and former technology executives, Jorge Giraldo (x-Google), and Craig Blitz (x-Oracle).

We will be holding our next meeting on the evening of Wednesday January 22, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in Manhattan.

You will receive the venue details by email in your registration confirmation.


We have limited space for charter members.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact either of us:

Craig: craig@craigblitzcoaching.com

Jorge: jorge@genminds.co

We will ask you some additional details in the next form to help us ensure the NYC Leadership Collective meets your needs.

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